🔥The Thursday Review: 🔥
The CRKT Dragon. We’re going to try out a new idea: find a product on Amazon, buy it, review it, show it to you guys. If you like this format, we’ll keep it up! Alright, here it goes: - With its 4.5” full tang tapered tip blade, look no further for the perfect self-defense/hunting/EDC knife. Designed by the legendary Bob Kasper after 10 years of studying extreme in-close fighting, the Dragon is designed to become a seamless extension of your hand. Its 9Cr18MoV high chromium stainless steel allows for easy sharpening and high cutting edge retention. The G10 scales, grooves and finger cutouts keep the Dragon in your hand even when gloved or in wet conditions. The pointed metal pommel is effective at window breaking, and with a center of mass at the palm it makes the knife feel smaller than it actually is. Not only is it lightweight, the Kydex sheath it comes with is durable and is easy to mount vertically or horizontally, or with a bit of paracord can be outfitted for shoulder-holstering. Overall this is a competent knife for any task, and at a little under $30 is frankly a steal! Check it out on Amazon below or in the link in our bio! Led Monkey approved 👍🏼🇺🇸 ———————————————————————-- http://amzn.to/2qGSFvW We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
Check out the latest product from @holdurfiresystem! Save 23% when you use the code FIVEOFF at checkout! Read the review below. https://www.holdurfire.com/
Need a better way to store your firearms? Hold UR Fire has recently sent us their latest product, which allows you to store up to ten firearms in one cubic foot of space. Exact dimensions measure in at 11” wide x 10.5” high x 12” deep. It fits most semi-automatics and revolvers and the included panels can be hung on the wall or door of your safe with the proper equipment. Magazine cuffs allowing for the storage of magazines are also available to add a little more functionality to the panels. In most of the US just grab a panel, toss it in a bag and head out to the range, no fussing with finding cases. In our time using it, we found that the easy to slide panels allow for quick access to your pistols and their adjustable Velcro straps keep your firearms securely in place. Set up was not very difficult, the “hardest” part being the threading of the straps through the perfectly placed slits. The base and boards are both made of plastic, but feel and proved to be extremely thick, study, and durable. We did conduct some shake tests to see how well the Velcro straps would hold up, and they did their job perfectly, locking the guns in their place and budging no more than expected. We also were able to fit pistols ranging in size from the Desert Eagle to the M&P Shield without a problem. Two regular sized pistols fit comfortably on each panel and detaching them was quick and simple. Overall we recommend Hold UR Fire’s latest innovation in firearm storage! Keep up the good work brothers! Led Monkey approved 🇺🇸 Need to take your training to the next level? @perspectivetargets have sent us some of their new targets, and we were definitely blown away.
The two flavors they sent us were a standard one man silhouette and their special three man silhouette target. While the former is similar to most other silhouette targets, these incorporate a few unique aspects. On the top right are the four tenants of firearm safety, and under it is a vertical Marksmanship Drill, which challenges you to shoot each increasingly small dot a specified number of times. Left of the silhouette’s shoulder is a horizontal series of dots titled the Rapid Fire Drill tasking you with shooting each dot more rapidly than the last. On all of the silhouette’s there is an upside down triangle, an integral part of their Thoracic Triangle Concept Training. Though an effective training method and not a major issue, after a little research we believe the triangle is flipped the wrong direction, the point should be facing up rather than down. The other target type we received pictured three silhouettes, each varying sizes meant to represent increasing distances. Of the two targets, these were definitely the favorite. Everyone on the team loved the concept and execution, it allows for a simulated distance that could not be otherwise achieved at an indoor range. Overall we fell in love with these targets and can’t recommend them enough. Their innovative design makes them a must have in any training regimen. Led Monkey approved 🇺🇸 Tired of your standard Ruger 10/22? Be sure to check out @gungner_inc and their latest product, the GR-22 chassis! Take your typical Ruger 10/22 and slip it into the GR-22 to convert it to a full-fledged .22 caliber AR 15, complete with Picitiny rails, and KeyMods along the sides. We received one from Gunger Inc., and have spent some time on it and are ready to bring you our thoughts.
The kit comes with everything you’ll need except for the AR pistol grip, buttstock, and of course your Ruger 10/22. The GR-22 holds the entire rifle’s receiver and barrel snugly in its mold, and we do mean snugly. When fitting it into the GR-22 we had to exert more effort than we expected, but ultimately were able to fit the rifle’s receiver into it after some filing of the internal part of the GR-22 chassis. After screwing it all together, and adding an EOTech ,G33 magnifier, and foregrip, we were ready to hit the range. Firing it was like shooting a .22 caliber AR-15, same ergonomics and feel, just a smaller package. The entire chassis is built from plastic however, with the exception of the screw-in areas, meaning excessive use may lead to wear and tear more quickly. That being said, it does run for only $49.97 on gungnerinc.com, so for the all-plastic construction isn’t that bad considering the price point. At the end of the day it was extremely satisfying to see after some time on the range we had spent a fraction of what we would have spent had we been using 5.56 ammo, so that cost cut was definitely worthy of note. Take home bullet points: - Tight fit, but once it’s in it’s not going anywhere - All plastic construction: great for price, bad for excessive use or abuse - Pistol Grip and Buttstock sold separately - Picitiny and KeyMod hold everything on as desired - Can train on the AR 15 platform for a fraction of the price After spending some time with it, we appreciate what the GR-22 has to offer. Shooting an AR platform for the price of a .22 is good for the weekend warrior on a budget. Overall considering its price it’s a great little package. Led Monkey approved 🇺🇸 Recently the Boys over at @mantis_tech sent us a MantisX, their solution to an enhanced training system which gives the user feedback based on how stable their hand remains when firing their weapon. While we have seen some reviews complaining about the product’s efficacy, over the course of our testing we were consistently surprised by how the MantisX was able to identify our problems and accurately display how our shots missed the bullseye. Though this was by no means perfect, it was right around 80% of the time, no small feat for such a tiny package. Overall we felt that the quality of the product was very high, and the micro Pelican case it shipped in was an appreciated touch. The product performed beyond the specifications it claimed, and would easily allow shooters of any degree to become more proficient with their weapon. Some key bullet points we want you to take away to keep this short and sweet so you actually read it:
-Small package, lightweight but not low quality -Easy to set-up out of the box -fits any picatinny rail system from pistols to rifles and shotguns -Accurately analyzes common shooting errors regarding hand movement during firing -Not 100% accurate, but neither are you; just let it tell you ;) -Constantly updated software by Mantis Overall we all felt this product was a 10/10 would recommend, and as such we recommend anyone out there looking to improve their weapon handling skills to look into other reviews and maybe even try this excellent product out for yourself, we’re sure glad we did. www.MantisX.com Led Monkey approved 🇺🇸 |
AuthorLead writer for Led Monkey Tactical Archives
July 2020
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